
Salt-Baked Whole Grouper

Looks fancy but you’d be surprised at how simple… It’s the perfect summer recipe and the best way to enjoy the natural texture and flavour of (y)our fish 😊


- Grouper Gutted & Descaled 500-1000g fish 

- 2kg coarse salt

- 3 egg whites

- 1 lemon

- 1 large twig of fresh rosemary

- 1 piece of ginger 


1. Defrost the fish a day in advance

2. Preheat oven to 200 ºC 

3. Cut 2-3 thick lemon and ginger slices and wash rosemary

4. Prepare the salt mixture: put all the salt and egg whites in a bowl and mix well

5. Use 1/3rd of the salt to make a bed for the fish, the same size as it, on a baking-paper-lined baking tray 

6. No need to do anything with the fish as it is already perfectly descaled and gutted for you by our partner Tamimi Fisheries. Just pat it dry and place it on top of the salt

7. Stuff the cavity with your aromatics (lemon, ginger and rosemary)

8. Cover the fish with a mound of salt and press firmly to ensure it completely encompasses the fish without holes 

9. Bake the fish for 30-35mins, until the entire salt crust is lightly browned 

10. Crack and remove the salt crust: using a heavy spoon, tap the crust to crack it. Remove the big chunks and brush away the excess salt, revealing a beautifully baked grouper. 

Note: The skin peels off easily and the meat is so soft it falls off the bone. Grouper has beautiful white meat, and with the fresh stuffing and salt crust you are left with a light aromatic taste. This fish is perfect for sharing family style.